Establishment of Travel Industry Authority

The Government conducted a public consultation on the review of the operation and regulatory framework of Hong Kong’s travel industry in 2011. Having duly considered the views gathered, the Government decided to set up the Travel Industry Authority and formulate a new piece of legislation. A comprehensive licensing regime for travel agents, tourist guides and tour escorts would be put in place to regulate Hong Kong’s travel industry in a holistic manner, with a view to enhancing the quality and promoting a healthy long-term development of the industry.
Latest Document
22 Sep, 2020
Travel Industry Authority Annual Report 2019-20 (PDF Format)
29 Nov, 2018
Travel Industry Ordinance (PDF Format)
10 Apr, 2017
Legislative Council Bills Committee on Travel Industry Bill (HTML Format)
08 Mar, 2017
Legislative Council Brief: Travel Industry Bill (PDF Format)
07 Dec, 2016
Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development: Key Legislative Proposals of Travel Industry Bill (PDF Format)
Press Release
14 Jan, 2020
Travel Industry Authority holds first meeting (PDF Format)

Travel Industry Authority holds first meeting (JPEG Format)
06 Dec, 2019
Government announces appointments to Travel Industry Authority (PDF Format)
08 Mar, 2017
Travel Industry Bill to be gazetted on March 10 (PDF Format)
Review of the Operation and Regulatory Framework of the Tourism Sector in Hong Kong

The Government conducted a public consultation exercise on the review of the operation and regulatory framework of the tourism sector from 29 April to 15 July 2011 to invite views from the trade and the public on the regulatory framework of the tourism sector, the licensing system for travel agents as well as the regulation of tourist guides.

During the consultation period, we met with and listened to the views of different stakeholders, including Members of the Legislative Council, the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of District Councils, the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Tourism Board, the Consumer Council, members of the trade as well as frontline practitioners.

After considering carefully the views collected, the Government announced on 20 December 2011 that an independent statutory body to be called the Travel Industry Authority would be set up as the overall regulatory body to regulate travel agents, tourist guides and tour escorts so as to promote the healthy and sustainable development of the tourism industry.

We reported to the Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development on the latest progress in taking forward the reform of the new regulatory regime for the tourism sector in Hong Kong on 22 July 2013.

  1. Consultation Paper (PDF Format)

  2. Press Release on 29 April 2011 (PDF Format)
    Annex (PDF Format)

  3. Press Release on 15 July 2011 (PDF Format)

  4. Submission to the Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development: "Review of the Operation and Regulatory Framework of the Tourism Sector in Hong Kong - Consultation Findings and Proposed Way Forward" (PDF Format)
    Annex (PDF Format)

  5. Written Submissions (HTML Format)

  6. Press Release on 20 December 2011 (PDF Format)

  7. Submission to the Legislative Council Panel on Economic Development: “Latest Progress in Taking Forward the Reform of the New Regulatory Regime for the Tourism Sector in Hong Kong” (PDF Format)
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