Appeal Panel (Travel Industry Ordinance)

Appeal Panel (Travel Industry Ordinance)
The Appeal Panel (Travel Industry Ordinance) is established under the Travel Industry Ordinance (Cap. 634)(the Ordinance) to deal with appeals lodged to the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism against the Travel Industry Authority’s decisions or orders as specified under section 120 of the Ordinance. The Chairperson of the appeal panel will appoint from the panel an appeal board to hear the appeal after a notice of appeal has been received.

Mr Eugene FUNG Ting-sek, SC, JP
Trade members
Dr Stephen CHAN Siu-lun
Ms Gloria CHOI Ying-ching
Mr Andrew LEUNG Chi-kwan, JP
Mr Jason SHUM Jiu-sang, MH
Mr Hazen TANG Tim-wan
Mr Jason WONG Chun-tat, JP
Mr Jonathan WONG Tze-wing
Ms Christina YUEN Ho-yee
Non-trade members
Mr CHEUNG Kam-leung
Ms HO Yuen-han
Mr Frederick HUI Cheuk-kit
Ms Julienne JEN
Mr Roger KWAN Ho-yeung
Mr LAM Chi-ki
Ms Mavis LAM Ching-heng
Ms Debora POON Suk-ying
Mr Jimmy POON Wing-fai, MH
Mr Johnny SO Chun-man
Mr Aidan TAM Lon-foong
Ms Marina TSANG Tze-kwan
Ms Iris WAN Lai-sze
Ms WONG Chiu-pui
Ms Rachel WONG Sum-yee
Appeal Panel (Travel Industry Ordinance) Secretariat
Unit 1003-04, 10/F, The Hub, 23 Yip Kan Street, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
+852 2127 4433
Appeal Panel (Travel Industry Ordinance)
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