Visitor Signage Improvement Scheme

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Directional Sign
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Identification Sign
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Green Signage
Since 2001, Visitor Signage Improvement Scheme has been implemented in phases throughout the 18 districts in Hong Kong with a view to providing a co-ordinated and easily identified system of signage for visitors to Hong Kong. The objective is to promote visitor convenience and make Hong Kong a visitor friendly destination.
The following three types of visitor signage have been installed under the Visitor Signage Improvement Scheme:
  • directional signs guiding visitors along the way to the desired destination;
  • mapboards showing locations of nearby attractions; and
  • identification signs depicting stories about a particular attraction
All types of signage are in both Chinese and English whilst Japanese is included in the mapboards and identification signs.
In order to blend in with the environment in rural areas, a set of green signage has been developed for installation at the rural hiking trails and outlying islands.
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